Saturday, January 19, 2013

weekly weigh in

6 tips for weight lossIt has been a better week as far as fitness goes. ...not where I want it to be but better.
I made myself go to the dentist. I was not having any pain it was just my 6 month check up only I was nearly 2 years late! I hate the dentist, I get so nervous and scare but this time was different. Good news is that they found no new cavities, there was no new decay. I guess 2 years prior they planned on giving me a crown on my back tooth...they were just going to watch it closely. well when I had my check up this time they actually took the crown off the treatment plan. They said all my teeth look good! As I was sitting in the chair listening to this good news it dawned on me that it had to be my diet.  I use to eat laffy taffies or sugar daddy's, hot tamales, blow pops, diet coke, etc.   I can remember feeling sparks of then I would just chew on the other side of my mouth....can you believe that?
And for the past 9 months I don't include any cookies, candies, pops etc in my diet.
So there is another benefit of a good diet. Those junk foods are just JUNK! They are so bad for your body, your complexion, and your teeth!     I even read a few articles that say sugar will turn into acid and stick to your teeth and turn to plaque (maybe not in that order)   Anywho, it's enough to make me stay away from it.

Kristin Cavallari circa 2006
I don't like looking at swim suit models for inspiration, I think they are all photo shopped. but this one looks real because you can see the crease in her stomach. Maybe I can look like that this summer? Its something to strive for....for no other reason then taking on the challenge.

Ok,   so this morning when I got on the scale it read  146.4 lbs.    Last week is was 147 lbs. So hey, I went down  .6lbs!
GW: 136
This week is going to be hard because its that time of the month for me...You know, where you are in a bad mood and have the munchies!!! EERR I hate that!

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